Morning Walks
When I was living up in the hills near Griffith Park between 2008 and 2010 I’d occasionally bring on walks my Nikon 28ti 35mm pocket camera and make pictures of the neighborhoods, primarily with black-and-white films. A handful of those photos were published for the first time in my 2020 book IN THE GOLD DUST RUSH, five of which can be seen here:
Moved from that house and didn’t keep up such camera walks elsewhere. But these many years later I find myself back in the Los Feliz area. And again with a 28ti on what has been daily walks.
Felt compelled to continue and to perhaps create a broader and more detailed view of this Los Angeles. And now in color.
I’d never used much Kodak Gold 200 before these recent photo walks but I absolutely love it. Wonderful film. Happy I chose it for this project. And the lab I’m using for these photos is Fromex in San Gabriel. Same-day service and beautiful scans.
Corner Tree 1
As I often do when I’m out on the road with the cameras, I like to revisit locations on the walks too. Each day I find new routes but occasionally revisiting spots to see things newly and perhaps in different lighting or under a different sky can be interesting.
Eventually I’ll pull some selections from these walks and put a book together.
But for now I’ll be making postcard sets available - LINK.